Diadokokinesi är en neurologisk term som syftar på snabbt upprepande av en enkel rörelse och undersöks vid nervstatus. Vanligtvis ber den undersökande läkaren eller fysioterapeuten patienten att skruva i en glödlampa, d.v.s. att snabbt pronera och supinera underarmen (rotera den runt sin egen längdaxel).
Svårigheter att utföra denna rörelse kallas dysdiadokokinesi och är tecken på en hjärnskada, till exempel efter en stroke eller vid Parkinsons sjukdom.
Men även logopeden kan testa diadokokinesi hos sina patienter. Till exempel genom att upprepa papapapapa, pataka pataka, bilbalbål bilbalbål, torrtaco torrtaco torrtaco etc för att se om rörelsen kan upprepas regelbundet eller om rörelserna blir kaotiska, oregelbundna eller dör ut.
Diadochokinesia or diadochokinesis is the ability to make antagonistic movements in quick succession, alternately bringing a limb into opposite positions, as of flexion and extension or of pronation and supination. Speech-language pathology defines it as the speed necessary to stop a determined motor impulse and substitute it with its opposite. The relative timing of this kind of movements is also called alternate motion rates (AMR) or sequential motor rates (SMR).
Loss of ability (dysdiadochokinesia) is characteristic of cerebellar diseases. Many clinical tests may be employed to test for such disturbances.
- Alternating movements: Patient is told e.g. to pronate and supinate their hands in rapid succession, holding forearms vertically. In cerebellar diseases, the movements are irregular and inaccurate; in case of the pyramidal tract lesion the motion may be slowed or incomplete.
- Stewart-Holmes rebound sign: Patient tries to flex the elbow against applied resistance. When physician’s grip is suddenly released, the patient should be able to deter it from rebounding. With cerebellar disease, the forearm may sway in several cycles. The patient may even strike themself if not guarded.
- Various instrumental techniques can be used to investigate speech motor skills, such as imaging movement transduction and point tracking
Arabic (عربی): dysdiadokokinesi
خلل تناوبية الحركات أو تعسر تعاقب الحركات[1] (بالإنجليزية: Dysdiadochokinesia) هو المصطلح الطبي لضعف القدرة على أداء حركات سريعة ومتناوبة (تناوبية الحركات)، ويسمى العجز الكامل بـ “لاتناوبية الحركات“.
Persian (پارسی): dysdiadokokinesi
خللِ تناوبی حرکات
Turkish (Türkçe): dysdiadokokinesi
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